
If you have a prayer or a prayer request to share, email it to me at andrewtallman at You'll have to change the "at" to an @ in the address line. I do this to cut down on spam. Please try to keep them as brief as possible. Include your first name and city, which is all I will post. If you don't want your name posted, just say so, and I'll withhold it. God will know. Put "Prayer Request" in the subject line, and send it to me.

Each day, I'll edit (if necessary) all the emails and post them as one post. I'll number each item so that when people post their comments, they can tell you what they prayed for. If you pray for one of these, please post a comment saying you did to encourage the person.

Finally, I want to provide people with updated information and results, so when things happen, email them to me so I can update the post. That's it. May our generous and provident God bless us and draw us closer to each other through this technology.

Friday, November 9, 2007

11.08.07 Prayer Items

1. Sunday is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please join with me in praying that Christians around the world would persevere in their efforts to reach the lost and share God's Word of salvation.

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